¤ Eredmények:
I. Hely:
- Pony and Horse Appearance | Küllem | paradoxic.gp
- Fajtakategóriás küllem | Küllem | inflames.gp
- I. Wild Rose Bajnokság | Galopp | wrlkp.gp
- Welcom Spring! Appearance | Küllem | okinaea-lovasfarm.gp
- Hey Sexy Lady!Appearance | küllem | inflames.gp
- Songs of Spring | Galopp | melodia-lovaspark.gp
- Arcot Iris Galopp Derby | Galopp | arco.iris.gp * Abszolút Győztes
- Bel Cavallo Szemle | Küllem | belcavallo.gp
II. Hely:
- My favourite horse in GP | küllem | life-style.gp
- Step by step galopp | Galopp | life-style.gp
- What is your horse name?Apperarance | Küllem | inflames.gp
- I Wild Rose Bajnokság | Küllem | wrlkp.gp
- Pata-Csata Apperarance | Küllem | pata.csata.gp
- March's Appearance | Küllem | okinawa-lovasfarm.gp
- Aurora''s Birthday Today II | galopp | auroralp.gp
- Tavaszi Octavian Cup | galopp | octavianfarm.try.gp
- Step by Step Galopp | Galopp | life-style.gp
III. Hely:
-Seasons Apperarance | küllem | okinawa-lovasfarm.gp
- II.Style Apperarance | Küllem | okinawa-lovasfarm.gp
- Galopp Time! | Galopp | pata.csata.gp
- Okinawa Appearance | Küllem | okinawa-lovasfarm.gp
- II. Europe Appearance | Küllem | avlp.gp
- III. Three Nations Appearance | Küllem | ponyisland.gp
- April's Beauty Appearance | Küllem | avlp.gp
- Respect Gallop | Galopp | okinawa-lovasfarm.gp
- I. Breed Show | Küllem | okinawa-lovasfarm.gp
- Love is in the Air | küllem | life-style.gp
- Breed Competition | küllem | life-style.gp
- UK Appearance | küllem | life-style.gp
- UK Appearance | galopp | life-style.gp
- Marvel Studios Competition | küllem | life-style.gp
- Marvel Studios Competition | galopp | life-style.gp
- Movement Appearance | küllem | avlp.gp
- Movement Appearance | küllem| avlp.gp
- May's Beauty Appearance | küllem | avlp.gp
- II. Asian Super Cup | galopp | ponyisland.gp
- Simple Galopp | Galopp | life-style.gp
- Simple Appearance | Küllem | life-style.gp
- Germany Appearance | Galopp | life-style.gp
- I am a Princess? of Crouse | Küllem | life-style.gp
Egyéb Helyezések:
- Fight for the 1st Place | küllem | life-style.gp (8. hely)
- March Apperarance | Küllem | avlp.gp (4.hely)
- March Beauty Apperarance | Küllem | avlp.gp (4.hely)
- I. Asian Super Cup | Galopp | ponyisland.gp (4.hely)
- Belmont Stakes Előkészítő Verseny | Galopp | paradoxic.gp (5.hely)
- April Appearance | Küllem | avlp.gp (4.hely)
- III. Auróra Appearance | Küllem | auroralp.gp (5.hely)
- Gallop is Classic Dance | Galopp | auroralp.gp (4.hely)
- May Appearance | küllem | avlp.gp (4.hely)
- II. GSS Australian Open | küllem | ponyisland.gp (? Hely)
- II.Background Appearance | Küllem | avlp.gp (4.hely)
- Simple Appearance | Küllem | avlp.gp (4.hely)
¤ Minősítések:
NICE,2nd Placed Horse in My Favorite Horse in GP,successful Horse,Nice in Okinawa, 3rd in Seasons
Appearance,Nice in Okinawa, 3rd in II. Style Appearance,3rd in Okinawa Appearance,Nice in Okinawa Appearance
in Stallion\Mare\Pony\Foal Caregory,Good Horse in Pata,Csata Galopp, Perfect Horse in Pony and Horse
Appearance, Good Horse in M'sM,Good Horse in M'sM,3rd | 4th Placed of I. Asian Super Cup,Good Racehorse,
2nd Placed Horse in Step by Step Galopp I.,Wonderful Name in Gibson Horse Center,2nd Placed of What is
your horse name? Appearance,Amazing Horse in Gibson Horse Center,1rd Placed of Fajtakategóriás Küllem,
Március Bajnoka,Great Horse in M'sM, 3rd Placed of III. Three Nations Appearance,Nice Horse of Germany |
Netherlands | Great Britain, Nice Horse in Pata.Csata Appearance,Good Horse in M'sM,Great Horse in M'sM,
5th in III. Auróra Appearance,Good Gallop Horse,4th in Gallop is CLASSIC Dance,2nd in March's Appearance
Very Nice in March's Appearance in Stallion\Mare\Pony\Foal Caregory,Nice in Okinawa,3rd in Respect Gallop,
Nice in Okinawa,3rd in I. Breed Show, Perfect Horse in Spring Appearance,Cute horse and rider,3rd Placed
Horse in Love is in the Air,3rd Placed Horse in Breed Competition,3rd Placed Horse in UK Appearance,3rd
Placed Horse in UK Appearance,3rd Placed Horse in Marvel Studios Competition,3rd Placed Horse in Marvel
Studios Competition,Great Horse in M'sM,Great Horse in M'sM,Good Horse in M'sM,Great Horse in M'sM,Main
Draw Horse of II. GSS Australian Open, 3rd | 4th Placed of II. Asian Super Cup,Good Racehorse, 2nd in Aurora's
Birthday Today II.,Good Race Horse,2nd place Horse in Spring Octavian Cup,Fantastic Mare in Gibson Horse
Center,1st placed mare on Hey,Sexy lady! Appearance,Ghost of a Rose Stakes/This Land Stakes/Undying Love
Derby/Air Derby Winner,Melodia Champion,Perfect Racehorse, 2nd Placed Horse in Step by Step Galopp II.,
3rd Placed Horse in Simple Galopp,3rd Placed Horse in Simple Appearance,Absolute winner in Arco Iris
Galopp Derby,1st placed in Arco Iris Galopp Derby,Good Horse in M'sM,Good Horse in M'sM,3rd Placed Horse
in Germany Appearance,3rd Placed Horse in I am a Princess? of course